vineri, 6 iulie 2012

Voice in my head

There was a boy , a small happy boy 
As sweet and as innocent as a fluffy toy
He saw a lil girl , he fell for her
He didn’t know the meaning of love,
But it felt beautiful

Every day and night
Every Night and day
He thinks of her
He didn’t know love has no cure
When he’s with her
There are butterflies inside
Now look at him tears run on the outside


Don’t cry lil boy
Don’t lose your joy
For you’ll become a man
You got broken one
Now you have a plan
Now you know the game
People they’re all the same


It’s  break or get broken
Strike or get struck and
Life is not joking , stop Quoting
Everybody’s fighting for themselves
Lil boy , this is the world you live in
Never stop believing
Think as you breath in
Greatness is yours , only if you believe in
Hiding your feelings , tho heart is beating
Such a cruel world to live in…


You can not give up
Till your heart stops beating
You can not give in
While there’s still air to breath in
I’m the voice in your head
And I’ll never let you stop !
Never, Never let you stop
Never never let you stop !


Don’t cry lil boy
Don’t lose your joy
For you’ll become a man
You got broken one
Now you have a plan
Now you know the game
People they’re all the same

It’s  break or get broken
Strike or get struck and
Life is not joking , stop Quoting
Everybody’s fighting for themselves
Lil boy , this is the world you live in
Never stop believing
Think as you breath in
Greatness is yours , only if you believe in ,
Hiding your feelings , tho heart is beating
Such a cruel world to live in
Face it
Never stop feeling
Cause sometimes only the heart knows how to react
To the changes in your life , I know that for a fact
Hide yo feelings , but never stop feeling !

Ref x3

You can not give up
Till your heart stops beating
You can not give in
While there’s still air to breath in
I’m the voice in your head
And I’ll never let you stop !
Never, Never let you stop
Never never let you stop !

marți, 12 iunie 2012

Dispretul , gheata si ura

Doar in vise te mai pot vedea 
Ma trezesc dimineata si infrunt durerea
Timpul trece , dar inca ma doare amintirea ta 
Fiecare loc unde am fost , fiecare cuvant spus aparent fara rost 
Acum ma chinuie , ma injunghe ca un pumnal taios
Ma sufoc , sunt inghiti de un gol anost 

Stau si ma gandesc 
Ma gandesc ca n-are rost 
Ma doare , cel mai tare ca am fost un prost 
Te-am tratat cum am stiut mai frumos 
Dar am terminat , am terminat tot ce a fost 
Pe dosarul nostru scrie cu litere rosii closed 
Tu esti doar o fosta , si eu sunt doar un fost 

Stiu ca timpul nu se intoarce 
Insa norocul da , 
What goes around comes around 
Si Timberlake a spus candva 
Am invatat pe pielea mea 
Ce faci azi,  maine se poate intoarce impotriva ta 
Vei simti durerea 
Vei indura tristetea 
Vei infrunta zile negre ce si-au pus amprenta
Plangea-v-ai cand te vei uita  in ochii mei 
Si tot ce vei vedea va fi dispretul , gheata si ura.

Nu ti-am cerut explicatii , nu ti-am cerut iertare in genunchi 
Doar sa imi spui , ce ai de gand 
Nu meritam un cuvant ? 
Nu meritam sa stiu ca noi 2 nu mai navigam p-acelasi vant 
Ti-a fost teama sa imi dai un text ?
"Ba boule , nu mai sunt cu tine , mortii ma-tii EJECT!" 
Da banuiesc ca ai avut telefonul defect...

Stau si ma gandesc 
Ma gandesc ca n-are rost 
Ma doare , cel mai tare ca am fost un prost 
Te-am tratat cum am stiut mai frumos 
Dar am terminat , am terminat cu tot ce a fost 
Pe dosarul nostru scrie cu litere rosii closed 
Tu esti doar o fosta , si eu sunt doar un fost 

Stiu ca timpul nu se intoarce 
Insa norocul da , 
What goes around comes around 
Si Timberlake a spus candva 
Am invatat pe pielea mea 
Ce faci azi,  maine se poate intoarce impotriva ta 
Vei simti durerea 
Vei indura tristetea 

Vei infrunta zile negre ce si-au pus amprenta
Plangea-v-ai cand te vei uita  in ochii mei 

Si tot ce vei vedea va fi dispretul , gheata si ura.